This is the step-by-step guide to buy Digital Money (DMX).

If you have a referral link, open the link. If not, you can enter!/register/ (you will need your sponsor username in this case). You will see a page like this:

Type in the data on the form.
Note: You can change the language by clicking on the flag on the bottom right.

Sponsor: This is the username of the person that has recommended you to buy Digital Money.

Note: If the Sponsor typed does not exist, the field will turn red; Please make sure you type your sponsor name correctly.

Username: This is the username you will choose for YOU. People that you refer to buy DMX will use YOUR Username as their Sponsor.

Note: If the username you choose is already in use, the field will turn red; Please choose another username.

Email and Email Confirmation: Your email address.

Click on NEXT STEP to go to step 2:

You will now fill in your First Name and Last Name, and choose your Country

Click on CONTINUE to go to step 3:

You will now choose your Password. Repeat it on the Confirm Password field and make sure you have read the Terms and Conditions to purchase Digital Money.

Click FINISH to complete your sign-up. You will see the page below: 

Click on Log In to enter on your Back Office. Do not forget to check your Email and confirm your registration later. 

The Log In form will be displayed:

Enter your newly created Username or your Email and your Password, then click LOG IN.

After you log in, you will see your dashboard, and the fields to buy Digital Money:

You will type in the amount in US Dollars (USD) or how many Digital Money (DMX) you want to purchase. 

Then click on BUY NOW to go to the Payment Deposit screen:

Now you can use complete the payment using your Bitcoin Wallet. You can scan or copy the address and send the exact amount displayed. After you complete the transaction, the payment will be confirmed in a few seconds and you will return to your Back Office Dashboard.